Asignaturas del segundo semestre.

Profesor Principal: DrC. Mercedes Rubén Quesada

Profesores: Colectivo de Profesores de Metodología de la Investigación 

Carrera: Primero Medicina  Plan de Estudio: Plan E  

During this semester you will learn mostly about:

· Asking and talking about likes, dislikes and preference

· Ordering food in a restaurant, café, etc.

· Describing places

· Asking and talking about existence and quantity

· Identifying things and people

· Describing clothes; colours

· Expressing ability or capacity

· Asking for and giving directions; describing location and position

· Asking for and giving information about actions and events in the past

· Talking about days and dates

· Asking and talking about future plans and intentions

· Expressing feelings

Este curso está dirigido a los estudiantes de medicina para dar cumplimiento al programa de Historia de Cuba.